Sunday, March 24, 2013

Much More = Summer of Tanks. = page 6.

I became to be very stunned by all that I have seen. But to my luck I did run in to my first friend that day on the square. He was standing beside the radio what was placed on the open window ledge of one building.
He said that Radio Prague did relocate in to the under ground and did begun to be broadcasting again.
In main time we did shared all our experiences of that day.
Radio station did begun to be broadcasting about that Soviet forces were using their diplomatic vehicles in arresting our people because our resistance was targeting their military vehicles.
On my way to work every day I had to be walking every day in around Sovietske Obchodni Zastupitelstvi ( Business Consulate ) where I did see large number of their diplomatic vehicles to be parked beside the sidewalk.
And so I did sugested to my friend that if he would be willing to look for the connection with the undergound radio. Then I would go to the BC to see if I could get some license plates of their diplomatic vehicles.
He said yes and I was on my way.
I could not do much running in down town for not to be arrested or shot by Russians. But by fast walking further I did get more safe I did feel. After Letenska Plan I did close up in ulice Pod Kastany on to Soviet Consulate. For high wall and large garden I was not able to see anything in there at all.
So I did keep walking till I did reach proximity of Bubenecske Nadrazi ( train station ).
And I did came face to face with two Russian Tanks what were blocking the street. (I could see that in between them was small opening just for pedestrians what was guarded by several armed Russian soldiers.
For the moment I did regret that when they did transfer me to special school that they did removed Russian language as my subject.
But still I did get my guts and with my obcansky prukaz ( id ) I did approached the guards and with my poor Russian I did begun to be convincing them that I was a boiler operator at Protetika Praha and I was in need to go check out pressure of my boilers.
Today I think that those soldiers were not too skilled in Latin as I was not in Azbuka and so did buy my story and I was on my way. 
As soon I did get beyond the guards I became to be happy to see first vehicle parked in their usual place.
Well I knew that I was not able to take a note book in to my hand and start writing all the diplomatic license plates. Memorizing them was only my solution.
And to my luck they all were very simle and easy to remember. I can still remember them to this day.
XX 00 03  XX 00 05  XX 00 26 - - - - -
I did walk slowly on sidewalk all the way to the ramp leading in to the underground garage. Ramp was on my left side but vehicles on my left.
I did take quick look to my left and I was able to see four men dressed in leather jackets walking around one larger vehicle. What they were doing was not clear to me.
I did decided that on my way back I will create some diversion so I'll be able to take better look.
And so.
XX 00 07  XX 00 09 - - - -
When I did reach the end of the building on the grass field larger then soccer field I became to be welcome by dozen of giant military tents.
Around them was laying around or doing something at least hundred soldiers. By every tent I could see machine guns with loaded clips in to them.
Since I did feel safe for the wire fence between me and those soldiers I did keep looking there and kept walking till I did reach the end of the compound.

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