Behind the corner at the next block I did sit down on the sidewalk and lean in against the building. All I did was repeating learned license plates in my head and was wasting my time.
When I did assume that it would take me to Protetika checking the boilers I did decide to my return. At first I did untie one shoe lace on one of my shoes. And after that I did begun to be walking.
When I did reach the ramp to the under ground garage I did step down on my loose shoe lace and faked almost loosing my balance.
Four men were still around that same vehicle. No doubt that they were KGB.
In the garage was very dark for me to read the license plate and I was not able to go down to read it or see better what those men were up to.
And so slowly doing my shoe lace I did keep sterring in to the garage when I could hear behind my back approaching military boots.
My first thoughts were = will I be able to disarm man behind me ? I did know how to do it so I did begun to guess How tall he may be and so on.
But in my secondary thought was. How I am going to get in out off here.
Behind my back I had whole bunch of soldiers with machine guns. On my right side possible KGB. On my left side about 8 tracks of rail extending brom the Bubenech Train Station.
I was in big trouble.
And so as if from above I did begun to react.
I did slowly turn around look straight in to the soldiers eyes and begun to be talking some nonsense in Russian. After that I did begun to be walking as nothing had happen away.
You can imagine a stress of my situation.
Every step I made it did felt if someone would be loading 100 kg of load on top of my shoulders.
I was waiting from behind command to stop and raise my hands.
My stress did leave me bye the time when I did reach the guards in passage in between two tanks who did let me in.
Guards did give me whole bunch of Russian propaganda what I did begun To be destroying in front of as as soon as those guards were behind my back.
Reaching the corner of the street I did take all those papers - whistle toward the guards. Throw pares in to the air and begun to be running .
In minute I was without me expectations in front of Chinese consulate what was guarded by bus loads of Russian soldiers.
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