Thursday, March 14, 2013

Much More - Summer of Tanks = page 4.

One thing. Since we were in under the occupation there was not any public transportation and so I had no other choice but to get to down town on my two feet. Well I was young only 22 years old and so few kilometers here and there did not mean too much for me.
I did found my barricade off the Vaclavak ( Wenceslaw Square ) in front of Radio Prague building. I was anticipating brick barricade as I have seen resistance building in 2nd world war plus people with machine guns and so on.
But instead I did found a wall of tracks and street cars blocking a evtrance to the radio station.
In Memory of Frantisek Novak.
On the outside of the barricade were all ready standing Russian tanks and armored transporters. Still I did found me a passage on to inside by the building where was a walk way for the pedestrians.
When I did made it on the inside I did found my self among several hundred Prague citizens. I did ask guy next to me what were we doing and what was our mission. He told me that Russians were trying to take over our Radio Station and by it silence the voice of our nation.
This was the good enough reason for me to join the cause. And so I became to be an part of the human barricade.
And so as everyone else I did just begun standing and waiting for what is going to happen next.
Looking around for if I will see any familiar face in the crowd I did noticed one young man who was  dressed in brown leather motor bike outfit. He had on him leather jacket exactly as my father did buy from somebody brand new in the pub. And I did manage to bum that jacket from my father so I had at home exactly one like that.
Next we all begun to hear increase of motor rumble on other side of the barricade. And then on my side one of the Russian tanks did made a attempt to get over our barricade.
We all were cheering when he did not make it.
Next thing how ever one tank further for me did. Then tank on our side made another attempt and after that he was among us.
There had been increasing panic among us growing as everyone was trying to get away from the steel monster rumbling toward the gate to the Radio Station Building.
Looking at this scene I did noticed as young man in leather jacket did fail on to the ground and did begun to be disappearing in under the tank.
I did froze who knows for how long. I did want to jump to the tank and free that man from under neath of it but I knew that it was not humanly possible.
Then when I did begun to see that this tank did begun to steering in to my direction I did begun to thing about saving my own skin.

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