Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Lakota Love.(

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2011.  (open4collaboration)
My Lakota Love when one day
I will be called up on to go
beyond the Milky Way.
Then remember me as I was
say my man had such a class.
He did loved me was doing his best
in land of our ancestors now
he is getting his rest.

My Lakota Love please do not cry
when I will leave you
when I'll die.
Just remember our good times togetner
do not feel the pain.
And let me send you my best of love
in the Meteorite Rain.

Let me send you my best of love
in the Meteorite Rain.

My Lakota Love do always smile
show to the world
your beauty.
Man is born and Man must die
it is his last duty.

Man is born and Man must die
it is his last duty.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to dedicate this song lyrics in the memory of my dear friend Henry Morrissette
