Friday, November 11, 2011

Looking down down on you.

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2011. (open4collaboration) BLUES.
Big Dude from above is looking down - down on you
and what a beauty I can do he is saying.
He is saying.
Yes Big Dude from above should be proud
you  are his best creation
without a doubt. I am saying.
I am saying.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Baba Aga

Jablkon - Pubrldova a Ulanbatar

World without good looking women.

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2011. (open4collaboration)
I don't care about flying cars detention centers without the bars.
Or black helicopters what can fly without the sound.
But I do care a lot about the good looking women
because they make my world go round.

I do care a lot about the good looking women
because  they make my world round.

I don't care about the shine of gold or what stocks were or were not sold.
I don't care about the politics because they are always full of
lies and tricks.
I don't care about the presidents or prime ministers as well.
But I do care a lot about the good looking women
it would be a hell.

World without a good looking women it would b hell.